Soda Ash and Sodium bicarbonate sales and glass beads producer
ALKIMIA-Packaging SA

As part of its policy of business diversification, the Board of the Société Chimique ALKIMIA, has taken in August, 27th 2009 the decision to constitute ALKIMIA-Packaging Company, a 100% subsidiary of the Société Chimique ALKIMIA, specialized in the packaging and sale of sodium carbonate or soda ash (Na2CO3) and sodium bicarbonate.
Soda ash, is imported from Turkay and is marketed in North Africa, Tunisia, Lybia, Algeria and West Africa. It is maily used in the manufacture of glass and detergents industries. The first and most important customer is the Société Chimique ALKIMIA, which, consumes big quantities of bulk soda ash.
ALKIMIA-Packaging aquired from WEISKER a factory producing several qualities of glass beads under the HS code 701820. It is running since 2021.
Creation date: August, 27 2009.
Date of entry into production: 16 September 2010.
Share capital: 2 000 000 TND
Head Office: 11, Rue des lilas 1082 Tunis-Mahrajène.
Tel : (+216) 36 080 100.
Fax : (+ 216) 71 787 283.
E-mail :
Factory : Zone Industrielle de Gannouch – 6000 Gabès
Tel : (+216) 36 080 300.
Fax : (+ 216) 75 273 900.